Monday, September 9, 2013

All these facts and extracts are from K M Ganguli mahabharat
Intelligence of Bhima” is a very controversial Topic. Many people think that Bhima as silly and angry warrior in Mahabharat Let us talk about Bhima’s intelligence.
At the time of the princes graduation tournament of Kauravas and Pandavas. Karna interfered in the tournament and excelled arjuna by accomplishing all the feats done by arjuna in a better way, then karna challenges Arjun for a fight. Actually Karna is stronger than arjuna at that incident. So, avoiding the fight between Karna and Arjuna is a very improtant thing for the well wishers of arjuna. Drona tries to avoid the fight by saying that, “Arjuna is a prince but Karna is not a king and So, he can’t fight with arjun”. But Duryodhana donates Anga to Karna and then Karna becomes the king of anga. So finally the fight was about to start & then Karna’s father Adhiratha comes there for giving his blessings to Karna. After this incident, Bhima understood that Karna is son of Adhirath (who is a charioteer). Then Bhima says that, “Son of a charioteer cannot fight with a prince ”. Nobody notices this thing except Bhima. And finally fight is avoided and arjuna was saved indirectly by bhima. This incident tells how intelligent Bhima was . He realizes the current situation and succesfully saved Arjun using his intelligence.
At the time of the Wax palace incident. Bhima gave drinks to six beggars. The reason for giving drinks to beggars is that bhima had planned to escape from wax palace.
After drinking all six beggers went to sleep. Then Bhima kills Purochana because he did many bad deeds. Finally Bhima sets fire to the wax palace. Then One lady begger & her 5 sons died in that incident. Then Bhima escapes from wax palace with Kunti & remaining Pandavas. Six people were killed in wax palace. Hence, Duryodhana thinks that Pandavas & Kunti were killed in that fire accident. That’s what Bhima actually wants. So Duryodhana stops his further attempts to search and kill the Pandavas.
You people may think that Bhima was very cruel that’s why he killed that 6 beggars
“See, Many soldiers were always killed in a war to save their king. To save our leaders many soldiers were killed in 1962 for Nehru during war of             India-china.  Also many soldiers were killed in 2nd world war to save Sir Winston Churchill. It means that to save respected personalities we have to sacrifice the lives of ordinary personalities. That’s what Bhima had actually done. Life of Kunti & Pandavas is definitely more important than life of beggars right”
After escaping from the wax palace, Bhima lifts all his brothers and mother single handedly and runs into jungle with so much weight in his shoulders. Finally Bhima stops, to bring water.Then He brings water to Kunti and others. All pandavas including “Undefeatble Arjun” and“Clever Yudhisthir” were taking rest in this critical situation, but “Silly and Angry Bhima” is the one who gave protection to everyone. Then he kills Hidimba even after the fatigue he had undergone . Actually Bhima needs rest but he didn’t take rest even for a single moment because he has to protect his mother and brothers. This is what real heroes would do.
See, how intelligently Bhima plans and executes everything but still we are calling him “silly and angry”
At the time of Draupadi Swayamvar. All the kings have started to fight against Arjuna. Arjuna didn’t know what should he must do at that moment. Even Yudhisthir remained in his seat. Arjun needed help at that time, but Yudhisthir didn’t realize that.
Bhima realizes Arjun’s difficulty & he starts fighting against all kings by taking one tree in his hand. Bhima uses that tree as a mace. Arjun saw Bhima’s might & then he also starts fighting fiercely. Finally all kings are defeated by both the brothers.
See how intelligently Bhima realizes everything and he always helps Arjuna in difficult situations. Upto Draupadi Swayamvar incident Arjuna was always saved by Bhima. After that during kurushetra and several other occasions Krishna always comes and saves Arjuna. It means that Bhima is very intelligent & an important person in Mahabharat.
At the time of Draupadi Vastraharan, Only Bhima tried to avoid the dice game, but Arjun and Yudhisthira were opposing him from the beginning . Both of them took the dice game as challenge against Duryodhana. It is written in vedas that “Playing with dice is bad thing”. Even Yudhisthir once said, ‘Deceitful gambling is sinful. There is no Kshatriya prowess in it. There is certainly no morality in it.’
And still “clever Yudhisthira” was playing the dice game and ” valiant Arjuna” was blindly supporting him. Bhima is the only person who was opposing that game.
Actually Bhima’s act is perfect according to vedas and Yudhisthira’s ideals, Still we are calling Bhima as “silly and angry”. And we are supporting Yudhisthir’s act of playing the dice game and betting their common wife .
What Krishna said at Vana Parva is , “I would have prevented the game from taking place, by showing its many evils. And if those who wait at his court, professing to be his friends but in reality his foes, had supported him, then I would have slain them all, along with those gamblers”
That is what bhima tried to do.He tried to avoid game and finally warns Yudhisthir by saying that “Sahadeva bring some fire”. And also takes a vow to drink the blood of dussasana
See how many similarities between Bhima’s thinking and Krishna’s thinking, Still Bhima is called “silly and angry ”.
At the time of of Draupadi Vastraharan, Bhima said,’Shall I, O king, slay, without loss of time all these foes assembled together, even here, or shall I destroy them, O Bharata, by the roots, outside this palace? Or, what need is there of words or of command? I shall slay all these even now, and rule thou the whole earth, O king, without a rival.’ But Yudhisthir and Arjun opposed him.
Many of you think that the words said by Bhima are not proper and the act of Yudhisthira and Arjuna is the corrent one . But actually Bhima’s thinking is good even at this inciden .
If Bhima starts fighting against kauravas only Duryodhana, Dusshasan, Karna and Shakuni …etc will stand for fight, Because all other warriors were not supporting Duryodhana’s act and so Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Ashwathama may not interfere in the fight. But if they interfere then they will support the Pandavas side, because all of them were opposing Duryodhan’s act. If Bhima and remaining Pandavas start fighting they will easily tackle Duryodhan, Dusshasan and Shakuni….etc but only Karna can be a Challenge to them. But logically all pandavas can unitedly defeat single Karna, and also some other warriors may support pandavas in this fight
Pandavas will win that war because, they have done some great acheivements like
1] Bhima and Arjuna have already defeated all kings at Draupadi Swayamvar.
2] Bhima had already killed many Rakshasa’s like Bakasur,Hidimb etc.
3] Bhima had already killed jarasandha.
4]Bhima had already defeated Karna once in Digvijay.
5]Bhima had already distroy complete army of Nagas.
But Duryodhana have not done any great achievements like pandavas. So it is quite obvious that united Pandavas will dominate the Duryodhan and his Allies.
At Udhyog Parva Krishna said to Yudhisthir ‘ While the match at dice was in progress, the wretched Dussasana of most wicked soul, seizing that weeping lady by the hair dragged princess Draupadi, Duryodhana repeatedly called her-cow, cow! Restrained by thee, thy brothers of terrible prowess, bound also by the bonds of virtue, did nothing to avenge it. O grinder of foes, even censure is death. Death is even many times better than a life of blame.’
It means Krishna also supports act of Bhima indirectly. Even Hastinapur could have been won by killing a few persons at that incident. Instead of having a huge massacre of killing 40 lakh soldiers to win back hastinapur in kurushetra. Many warriors like Drona, Bhishma, Shalya etc were also killed in the war, this also could have been avoided if bhima was allowed to fight at draupadi vastraharan. Finally if bhima killed the kauravas at draupadi vastraharan many lives which were killed in kurushetra could have been avoided and the wives and children of the warriors who fought in kurushetra would not have become widows and orphans
So, Bhima’s thinking was right in this incident also. These warriors and their families would have been saved if Yudhisthira didn’t stop Bhima at this incident
Mahatma Gandhi was quiet when pakistan and india was spilt up after independence and the result is that even today we are fighting for some issue against Pakistan, this fighting will go on forever and ever. The paskistan issue is quite a small problem for us now. One day Pakistan will wage a nuclear war against us we might have to do a heavy sacrifice to win that war but if we wage a war against Pakistan(for the Mumbai terror attacks ) in the current situation we may win it with a small military casualities. Our country is always patient because we are taking Yudhisthira and Mahatma Gandhi as our Idol and treating Bhima as only “Silly and Angry ” warrior
In 1947 many Hindu womens were raped by Pakistan people, still we were begging for peace to Pakistan. So, we should fight for the insult given to our women. But we forgot the words of lord Krishna and we also forgot the “warrior feelings” of mighty Bhima and we remain unmoved like Yudhisthira . That’s the reason for those 10 terrorists to attacks Mumbai and kill 200 people.
Think guys ,Is it fair to forget the words of Krishna and the warrior feelings of bhima ?
But still we are telling that Bhima is “silly and angry ” ,
Are we doing the right thing 
In vana parva Bhima tried to encourage Yudhisthir and to prepare him for war by saying, “What do we gain by living in the asylum of ascetics, thus deprived of virtue, pleasure, and profit? It is not by virtue, nor by honesty, nor by might, but by unfair dice, that our kingdom hath been snatched by Duryodhana.O king, in the woods, like that of any wild animal, is what a man of weakness alone would submit to. Surely, no man of might would ever lead such a life. This thy course of life is approved neither by Krishna, nor Vibhatsu, nor by Abhimanyu, nor by the Srinjayas, nor by myself, nor by the sons of Madri. Afflicted with the vows, thy cry is Religion! Religion! Hast thou from despair been deprived of thy manliness? Cowards alone, unable to win back their prosperity, cherish despair, which is fruitless and destructive of one’s purposes. This, O king, grieveth me more than death in battle. If we all die in fair fight without turning our backs on the foe, even that would be better than this exile, for then we should obtain regions of bliss in the other world. Or, if, O bull of the Bharata race, having slain them all, we acquire the entire earth, that would be prosperity worth the trial. Our kingdom wrested from us, if we engage in battle, our deeds when known to the world will procure for us fame and not slander. And that virtue, O king, which tortureth one’s own self and friends, is really no virtue.O son of Kunti, as thou art powerful, grind thou with thy might thy weak enemies, like Indra grinding the Asuras; and snatch thou from Dhritarashtra’s son the prosperity he enjoyeth. There is no mortal that can bear the touch of the shafts furnished with the feathers of the vulture and resembling snakes of virulent poison, that would be shot from the Gandiva. And, O Bharata, there is not a warrior, nor an elephant, nor a horse, that is able to bear the impetus of my mace when I am angry in battle. Why, O son of Kunti, should we not wrest our kingdom from the foe, fighting with the aid of the Srinjayas and Kaikeyas, and the bull of the Vrishni race? Why, O king, should we not succeed in wresting the (sovereignty of the) earth that is now in the hands of the foe, if, aided by a large force, we do but strive? There is no virtue higher than fighting, for every Kshatriya!”
Bhima tried to tell Yudhisthira about what is written in scriptures, but Yudhisthira didn’t understand it because Yudhisthira is not ready for war.
Yudhisthir replies, “O thou of mighty arms, it is even so as thou hast said. But, O thou foremost of speakers, listen now to another word I say. Whatever sinful deeds, O Bhima, one seeketh to achieve, depending on his courage alone, become always a source of pain. But, O thou of mighty arms, whatever is begun with deliberation, with well-directed prowess, with all appliances, and much previous thought, is seen to succeed. The gods themselves favour such designs. Hear from me something about what, proud of thy might, O Bhima, and led away by thy restlessness, thou thinkest should be immediately begun. Bhurisravas, Sala, the mighty Jarasandha, Bhishma, Drona, Karna, the mighty son of Drona, Dhritarashtra’s sons–Duryodhana and others–so difficult of being vanquished, are all accomplished in arms and ever ready for battle with us.”
This reply of yuddisthra indirectly shows that he is afraid of the kaurvas and especially karna was his worst nightmare(this information was told by yuddi many times ). Many of you think that Yudhisthira was right and Bhima’s was thinking in wrong in this incident
But actually same thing is told by Krishna to Arjun in Geeta.
[ adhyay 3, phrase no 4th and 5th].
After Bhima’s suggestion Krishna himself comes there and says, “O king, so unstable and waiting at present on the foe, I shall restore to thee, depriving thy foe of his very life. I shall, O chief of the Kurus, assisted by Rama and Bhima and Arjuna and the twins and Akrura and Gada and Shamva and Pradyumna and Ahuka and the heroic Dhrishtadyumna and the son of Sisupala, slay in battle in course of a day Duryodhana and Karna and Dussasana and Suvala’s son and all others who may fight against us. And thou shalt, O Bharata, living at Hastinapura along with thy brothers, and snatching from Dhritarashtra’s party the prosperity they are enjoying, rule this earth.”
But Yudhisthira didn’t agree to what Krishna said
Bhima’s thinking is matching with Krishna’s thinking here too
In the vana parva Jatasura comes to pandavas in Brahmana attire and stays there for a few days . When jatasura was in this disguise every one completely believed him including yuddisthira . Indeed Yudhisthir was trying to keep jatasura happy by doing all the necessary services to him. Yudhisthir didn’t realize that jatasura is an asura and he is not a true Brahmana. Finally one day Jatasura kidnapped Yudhisthir, Draupadi, Sahadeva and Nakul , then he tried to flee but he was caught in the middle by bheema and bheema says these words
“I had ere this found thee out for a wicked wight from thy scrutiny of our weapons; but as I had no apprehension of thee, so I had not slain thee at that time. Thou wert in the disguise of a Brahmana–nor didst thou say anything harsh unto us. And thou didst take delight in pleasing us. And thou also didst not do us wrong. And, furthermore, thou wert our guest. How could I, therefore, slay thee, who wert thus innocent of offence, and who wert in the disguise of a Brahmana? He that knowing such a one to be even a Rakshasa, slayeth him, goes to hell. Further, thou canst not be killed before the time cometh”
So, this means that bheema was the only person who learnt the true identity of jatasura at the first time itself but he didn’t kill because of the following reasons
1) He was in the attire of a brahmana
2) He was a guest
3) He didn’t do any harm to them( at the first time )
After telling these reasons bhima fights with jatasura .In that fight bhima with his superhuman strength killed jatasura and saved yuddithira, draupadi, nakul and sahadev
Here again we come to know Bhima’s Intelligence because he realized the truth before everyone and he is capable to taking the right decision too.
At the time of Ghosh-yatra incidence….Kauravs and Karna went in Jungle to meet Pandavs. But actually there intention was not good. They planned to meet Pandavs  to show them Power and Money. Real intension of Duryodhan is to make Pandavs jealous of his power and money. But it is fortunate for Pandavs ,that Kauravs wadge war against Gandharvs and they lost that war. Karna saved himself, but other were cought by Gandharvs. Finally  Kaurav soldiers askes help to Yudhisthir.
Then Bhima says,”It is very fortunate that our enemies are vanished by third party. Our work is done by Gandharvs ,so they are now our friends. Even Duryodhan comes here to make us jealous of his Money and Power , So he didn’t deserves our help. No need to help enemies (Kauravs) by fighting against friends (Gandharvs).”
But as usual Yudhisthir and Arjun forced Bhima for war. Then Pandavs wadge war against Gandharvs and defeat them. Pandavs rescue Duryodhan and his brothers from Gandharvs.
After completion of Vana- vas and Agyat- vas of Pandavs , Duryodhan didn’t gave back Indraprastha to Pandavs. For that Yudhisthir wadge war against Kauravs. Pandavs won this war, but they have to sacrifice with lives of nearly 40 lakhs soldiers , lives of great warriors like Bhishma, Drona, Abhimanyu, Ghatotkach etc.
This big loss of Kurukshetra can be stopped . If at Ghoshyatra incidence, Yudhisthir follows Bhima’s instuctions, then Kauravs will be eliminate by Gandharvs there only . So Yudhisthir will get back Hastinapur long before the Kurukshetra and without any war too.
Bhima was following, one simple logic during this incidence. That logic is “Our Enemy’s enemy,  is our Friend”. Duryodhan always hated Pandavs and considered them as enemy. So Bhima also consider, Kauravs as enemies. During Ghoshyatra, Gandharvs becomes enemy of Kauravs . So according to Bhima’s logic, Gandharvs are friend of Pandavs. Bhima don’t want to break friends  (Gandharvs) by wadging war against them, for saving enemies (Kauravs).
But Yudhisthir didn’t understood this simple logic and leaves simple chance to stop final battle of Kurukshetra.
Even nowdays we forget Bhima’s logic . We forget that, our enemy’s enemy is our friend.
In 1962 China wadge war against India. China was communist country, While USA was against communism. So USA was enemy of China in 1962. According to Bhima’s logic USA can be our friend in 1962. And Great thing is that, USA also was ready to supply weapons to India, without any cost. It means USA was following “Enemy’s enemy is our friend”. But unfortunately India forgets this simple logic and India declines help offered by USA. India was waiting for help of Russia. But Russia was also communist country at that time, so Russia didn’t helped India. And finally India lost that battle because they declines help of USA.
India declines help of USA because we forget Bhima and his intelligence.
This is very serious loss for us and for our country too.
After Ghoshyatra incidence … One day Jayadrath kidnapped Draupadi and ran away from Pandavs. Pandavs realizes the situation and then Yudhisthir ordered Bhima-Arjun to cought Jayadrath. Bhima-Arjun defeats all army of Jayadrath . Then defeated Jayadrath leaves Draupadi, and ran away from Pandavs to save himself. Bhima also went behind Jayadrath and finally cought him. When Bhima prepares himself to kill Jayadrath, Arjun comes at that spot and…..Then
Arjun said, “Don’t kill him!!!  Yudhisthir didn’t ordered to kill this wicked-soul. Let us take him to Yudhisthir.”
Bhima replied, “Oh!!!…… you silly Arjun and your big brother are always ready to stop me, while I am doing some good job”
Bhima replied again, “What you will achive ,after saving this wicked-soul (Jayadrath) from me ?…….That Yudhisthir will definitely leave this Jayadrath …So, Let me finish this wicked-soul now here !!! ”
Arjun replied, “No Bhima….Don’t kill him….Let us take him to Yudhisthir….Yudhisthir will decide his future!!!”
Finally as usual, Jayadrath was taken to Yudhisthir and Yudhisthir leaves him.
Yudhisthir forgets one simple principle…that is, “Don’t leave enemy, without giving him punishment. Otherwise that enemy will definately try to harm you afterwards”
According to Vedas, Jayadrath only deserves punishment of death. But Yudhisthir leaves him alive. Yudhisthir forgets simple principle which is shown above.
Then, that Jayadrath becomes main reason in death of Abhimanyu. Even Arjun’s life come in denger because of that Jayadrath . Shree Krishna himself broke the rules to kill that Jayadrath only. And finally that wicked-soul got killed by Arjun. It means Yudhisthir made big mistake by leaving Jayadrath. Because finally Jayadrath got killed only, but he made big damage to Pandavs before death. As usual Yudhisthir made big mistake only because, he neglects Bhima and his thoughts.
Even Prithviraj Chauhan leaves Md.Ghauri after defeating him 21 times. But in 22nd battle Md.Ghauri defeats Prithviraj and this time Ghauri didn’t leave Prithviraj. It means Prithviraj suffers badly only because, he leaves his enemy alive. Similarly Abhimanyu got killed only because, Yudhisthir leaves Jayadrath alive.
Now only Pakistan attacks on India in 1947,1965,1971 and 1999. But every time we leave Pakistan, after achiving victory. If India lose against Pakistan in future, then they may behave like Ghauri or Jayadrath. It is possible that Pakistan will not leave India, if they won against India.
Still, we are behaving like Yudhisthir and forgetting Bhima. Are we doing right??
In the final stage of agyatvas. Kitchaka proposed to draupadi for marriage but draupadi refused him by saying that she is married to a gandharva, but kitchka continued to trouble her. Draupadi even threatened kitchaka by saying that her gandharva husband might kill him if they found kitchaka troubling her but still kitchaka kept on troubling draupadi. Then he even insulted Draupadi in front of whole assembly. Draupadi was scared of kitchak, so she asked bhima to help her. If bhima kills kitchaka in public then his identity will be revealed and pandavas will be sent to vanavas again. So bhima devised a master plan by which he can save draupadi from kitchaka without revealing his identity.
Bhima said to draupadi , “Go to kitchaka and talk to him casually, ask him to meet you privately at the Dance class tonight. I will be hiding there and I will kill him, when he arrives at dance class. And also make sure that nobody notices your conversation with kitchaka ”
Draupadi had done everything according to bhima’s plan. Finally Kitchak arrives at the dance class, and Bhima was already hiding there. Bhima grabs kitchak like a lion grabbing a deer and kills him in brutal way. Bhima intentionally kills kitchak in a brutal way, so that everybody will think that the murder was done by the gandharva husband of draupadi for taking revenge of draupadi’s insult.
On the next day, kitchaka was found dead and everybody thought that the murder was done by gandharva, until now everything was working according to bhima’s plan. But then kitchak’s Brothers caught draupadi and they were trying to push her into the pyre of kitchak’s body. Draupadi started crying and was asking for help to everyone. But nobody was ready to save draupadi. Bhima heard this sound and he realized the situation. Then Bhima dressed himself like a gandherva and he jumped out from kitchen’s window. Bhima climbs on a tall tree and he tries to locate Draupadi. When he find out draupadi’s location, he quickly runs towards her. Finally bhima reached. When the brothers of kitchak saw bhima in the guise of a gandherva , They thought that this gandharva must have killed their brother and so they jointly attacked bhima. Bhima pulls out out one big tree  and starts fighting against them. Finally bhima killed all the brothers of kitchaka and saved draupadi again.
This is how bhima saved draupadi without disclosing his identity. This incident is a very good sign of his intelligence.
Tejas Umbrajkar

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